Thursday, January 23, 2014

All You Need to Know About the Truflo Paddle Wheel Flow Meter

When it comes to flow control, the paddle wheel flow meters hold several advantages over many other flow control systems. The most obvious of these advantages is evident in their low maintenance costs. In particular, the Truflo Paddle Wheel Flow Meter requires very little in terms of installation, operation and performance making it one of the most cost efficient flow meters in the market today.
How does it work?

The Truflo PaddleWheel Flow Meter consists of three main parts; the pipefittings, an LCD display screen and a paddle wheel sensor. The paddle wheel sensor can be found inside the pipe fitting and the paddle itself goes halfway into the flow stream. The paddle wheel gets spun by any fluid that flows within the pipe and as this happens, the magnets attached to the paddle also spin. As the magnets continue spinning past the paddlewheel sensor, electrical pulses directly proportional to the rate at which the fluid is flowing are also produced. The numbers of output electrical pulses produced per corresponding volumes are published as the K-factor.
In addition to the above, which constitute the principal components of the flow meter, the Truflo Paddle Wheel Flow Meter has a number of additional features that further set it above the rest. These include the following;
-          Vertical and horizontal installation; the paddle wheel’s operation is not affected by gravity and any other factors that would influence its installation. It can be installed both either vertical or horizontal positions and still function just as well.
-          High impact polycarbonate cover and rugged design; both of these features make the Truflo flow meter is a very hardy device that can withstand a lot of pressure and other external elements. It is also very suitable for use on corrosive materials.
-          Secure; the security of this flow meter is password protected meaning that no one can re-program or reset it without password authorization. This feature is very important especially when the flow meter is being used in sensitive chemical installations where even the smallest deviations can lead to serious consequences.
Applications of the Truflo Paddle Wheel Flow Meter
It is hard to list down all the areas where this flow meter can be installed and used. That said, here are a few areas where it is used relatively more extensively;
-          Dispensing systems; unlike other flow meters that use preset timers to allow the flow of a fluid for a given duration, this paddle wheel flow meter actually measures the exact volume that flows. While in the former any system problem that affects the flow rate will change the amount dispensed, such problems do not influence anything in the latter.
-          Chemical metering pumps; when you need to mix large volumes of chemicals in specific ratios, the Truflo flow meters can come in very handy. It is a very accurate flow meter that will ensure only the specified volume of a given chemical goes through, regardless of whether or not the system has any problems or defects outside the flow meter.

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